Thursday, August 27, 2020

Traditional Knowledge of

Questions: 1.Why is this Case an Example of Traditional Knowledge? 2.What exercises from this case could be utilized in future Traditional Knowledge Cases? 3.What are the Moral Issue clear in this Case? Answers: 1.The instance of therapeutic patent discussion is a case of conventional information since India is a pioneer in the development of a few standard procedures and strategies by its indigenous network. The thought of protecting, safeguard and advancement of the customary information is mostly critical for creating India as it hold rich heritage in Traditional Knowledge and its biodiversity gives a crucial job in the segments like wellbeing, sanitation, craftsmanship, and music and so on. 2.The case gives various looks to future conventional information cases because of its certifiable reaction got by the credibility of material confirmations delivered by customary information advanced library (TKDL). The striking advance of TKDL opens the new measurements in empowering rapid and cost free withdrawal of future patent applications. The case settled different discussions in conventional information like encroachment of patent law, outside weights of global enactment on Indian patent law, security of Indian culture, and non-inconvenience of genuine expense (Dutfield, 2010). 3.The good issue for the situation appeared by factor like India give equivalent inclination to both financial and good rights respect to the assurance of Traditional information. With regards to the case, the ethical issue was to protect a center quintessence of information on restorative plans. Such therapeutic definition was picked up by endeavors of indigenous network which was communicated in their semantic dialects. It obviously apparent that India esteems the customary information on the indigenous Indians (Dagne, 2012) References Dutfield, G. (2010).Intellectual property, biogenetic assets, and customary information. Earthscan. Dagne, T. W. (2012).Intellectual Property, Traditional Knowledge and Biodiversity in the Global Economy: The Potential of Geographical Indications for Protecting Traditional Knowledge-Based Agricultural Products(Doctoral exposition).

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Database Logic and Management questions Module 2 Article

Database Logic and Management addresses Module 2 - Article Example In any case, we despite everything need a coherent plan for the explanation that building a physical structure without intelligent structure is like structure a house without diagrams. Indeed, the fundamental motivation behind structure a legitimate database configuration is to guarantee that all the substances and their potential connections required by the database are totally and precisely distinguished and portrayed. Taking into account the way that sensible database configuration is fabricated utilizing straightforward image and language, subsequently it very well may be effectively analyzed and approved as precise by the end-clients. As talked about over, this sensible database configuration fills in as a guide that will be trailed by the database engineers to use as a diagram for building up the physical database model. In this situation, the data gave in the coherent database model is used to portray the social tables, substances, put away strategies, essential and outside ke ys, and triggers (Liberty University, 2013). In the previous hardly any years, the utilization of data frameworks in the social insurance industry has raised to an enormous degree. In this situation, sorting out and administrating medicinal services assets has ended up being a test contrary to time, for the explanation that having authority over the extension of the illness is currently as critical as treating it. Moreover, computerization and mechanization of clinical firms through data frameworks containing enormous databases offers countless advantages. Also, in numerous explores creators have underscored on the should know about the situational viewpoints that power individuals’ comfort with getting and appropriating human services data in an electronic plan. In this situation, one recommendation is to explore severer standard of clinical data, for example, to ensure that partners obviously perceive what their identity is, for what reason they will gather and disseminate the information, what sort of information they will take and even to represent any impediments and limitations

Friday, August 21, 2020

8 Ways To Save Money Today, Tomorrow and Every Day After

8 Ways To Save Money Today, Tomorrow and Every Day After 8 Ways To Save Money Today, Tomorrow and Every Day After 8 Ways To Save Money Today, Tomorrow and Every Day AfterMaking a budget, automating your savings, and choosing a night in over an expensive evening out are all great ways to save.One of the main reasons that so many people fall prey to predatory no credit check loans is because they don’t have any money in savings. In fact, a recent study from the Federal Reserve found that 40 percent of Americans don’t even have $400 in savings to deal with emergency expenses. When they need quick cash, they have to turn to payday loans and high-interest cash advances.If you’re a member of that 40 percent, the time to take control of your financial future is now. Building up your savings is the first step towards financial security and its a step that you can take right now. That’s why we reached out to a number of financial experts to learn their best tips for saving money both in the short and the long-term. Here’s what they had to say 1. Save more by spending less.If you want to save mo ney, you’re going to need to create some better habits around money. But first, you’ll have to get down to basics. And that means spending less money. That way, you’ll be able to funnel more cash into both your short-term and long-term savings.Take a look at your monthly expenses and see if there are any areas where you can reduce your spending,” says Josh Zimmelman of  Westwood Tax and Consulting. “For example, replace expensive dinners out with more home-cooked meals or cancel your cable in exchange for cheaper streaming services like Hulu or Netflix.”While some big expenses like rent or car payments aren’t going to be negotiable. But lots of your smaller expenses can be changed. You’ll be amazed how saving $5 or $10 there will add up to big savings over time.Certified Financial Planner Byron Ellis (@byronellistweet), Founder and CEO of Doing Money Right in Woodlands Texas, recommends specifically that you cut down on your coffee:“Dont worry, Im not telling you t hat you cant have your morning cup of Joe. However, if part of your daily routine is stopping by for a six dollar coffee, you might want to consider putting that money to better use. Cut back on expensive coffees by only going once a week and brewing your other cups at home. This simple sacrifice alone can add up to a whopping $1,600 a yearor more.”Cutting small purchases out of your budget and putting that money into savings will do wonders for your long-term financial health.2. Build a budget and take control.Okay, so you’ve resolved to spend less money. What’s next? Well, if your plan to cut down on your spending involves you just winging it, you’re setting yourself up to fail. Instead, you need to create a budget, so that you can plan your spending and then track it each month.“Creating a budget and tracking it is perhaps the most important part of any savings plan,” says Ellis. “Spend some time laying out all of your daily, weekly and monthly expenses in order to get a solid understanding of your savings potential.”“Make budgeting a breeze by using easy-to-use software that you can find on websites like and This will provide you  with you helpful charts and graphs that will allow you to see where you can cut back. Focus on your biggest expenses, whether it be childcare, utilities, travel, etc., and get rid of any unnecessary costs within these categories.”3. Automate your savings.Once you have a budget in place, you’ll need to make sure that you actually save that money. If that extra money just sits around in your checking account, it’s all too easy for those dollars to get spent instead of saved. And the best thing you can do is to set up a system where extra money gets automatically deducted.“Automate your savings” recommends Zimmelman. “Use special apps or programs that will transfer money to your savings automatically. You can set up automatic withdrawals or transfers of a set amount every month or a percentage of every paycheck. You can also “round up” all your transactions and deposit the change into your savings automatically.”Robert R. Johnson, Principal at the Fed Policy Investment Research Group, shares this helpful anecdote about the power of automatic saving and how small changes in behavior can make a huge difference over time:“Last year, University of Chicago Professor Richard Thaler received the Nobel Prize in economics for his work in behavioral finance. The premise of behavioral finance is that human beings aren’t rational profit-maximizing machines, but often succumb to behavioral biases. One of the biggest behavioral biases that humans succumb to is the bias toward immediate gratification over delayed gratification. That is, our present selves tend to win over our future selves.“Making retirement and savings contributions the automatic, default option, so that we must actively opt out of saving is a wise approach. In essence, people need to predeterm ine savings for retirement instead of needing each month (or paycheck) whether to invest in retirement or not. Berkshire Hathaway chairman Warren Buffett once said ‘If you want to make saving a priority, take a look at how you budget. Don’t save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving.’”If you want to learn more about apps like Digit that you can use to automate your savings, check out our handy Personal Finance App Directory.4. Pay yourself 10% and pay yourself first.If you want to save more money, you’re going to need to readjust your attitude. Just like Warren Buffet said: Don’t save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving. This means making saving your number one priority, and it means paying yourself before you pay the rest of your bills.“The best advice, I believe, is to always pay yourself first” says author, speaker, and personal finance expert  Debbi King (@DebbiKing), “This is information that I wish I had 28 year s ago when I graduated college.  If you set aside, automatically, 10% of your wages every check, you will always have money (as long as you live on the 90%, of course). There are so many ways to save couponing, sales, thrift store, etc., but setting aside cash every paycheck is the best way to build wealth and reach financial freedom.”As King mentioned, you should set the goal of saving 10 percent of your earnings with every paycheck. While that might seem like an ambitious goal, you’d be surprised how much some tweaks to your habits and a change in how you think about saving can make a difference. As Krista Neeley, managing vice president of Appreciation Financial puts it:“I attribute most savings habits are difficult for people because they perceive it as a loss, rather than a replacement. We have too many of us who seek instant gratification rather than long-term longevity benefits.  When we think of savings as someone or something taking away from us rather than a gift we are giving to ourselves, it can make it harder to save.“We have so many bills to pay or financial responsibilities to meet, sometimes we forget to get ourselves onto that list! You should always remember that one of the primary principles to building WEALTH is to PAY YOURSELF 10 percent. Thats money youve earned and deserve to keep.”5. Saving money needs to be a top priority.Simply put, there is no time like the present to start saving. And that’s not just a cliche. That’s actually the truth. The sooner you start saving, the more money you will have saved up for when you actually need it.“Don’t wait to start saving,” says Zimmelman. “The best way to build your savings is to start early. The sooner you start saving, the more time you have to build your funds and the longer those funds have to grow. Don’t put off saving until you have a considerable amount to start with; you can start small, as long as you start as soon as possible.”If you want to save more, tha n you need to make it a priorityâ€"a top priority. Saving money might feel like something that’s negotiable, but your financial health is of utmost importance. According to Neeley, “Our financial health and strength are just as important as our mental, emotional, and physical health and strength.Taking time to better understand and empower yourself financially can be the backbone to creating the freedom, flexibility, and peace of mind you desire for your future. Having a strong, stable foundation for your finances is the easiest way to create a bright future in all other areas of your life.”6. Make saving  money a habit.Saving might feel like it’s difficult at first, but the longer you keep at it, the easier it will become. Make saving money an everyday habit like showering or brushing your teeth, and eventually it’ll just become second nature.“Saving is a habit,” says Neeley, “And the same way it took us multiple attempts over time to learn how to correctly, then ef fectively, then quickly tie our shoes, the same principles apply when seeking how to improve or build habits of financial abundance and stability. Starting young means building a healthier relationship with money and a high expectation of the goals and life money can create should you choose to create it.“Money can be one of the most empowering tools and one of the most frustrating, but its determined 100% by us! Saving for long-term goals while you are young is also vital when remembering interest and accounts build up over time which is only on your side before age 40. After that, long-term savings (like retirement) become increasingly expensive!”7. Cut down on impulse spending.This goes back to budgeting and deciding ahead of time where your money ought to go. A lot of the smaller purchases that get us in trouble are the ones that we make spur of the moment. When we’re tired and hungry or we just something on the shelf at Target that “OMG we have to have right now” even though we don’t. Cut down on your impulsive purchases and the savings will pile up.According to Richard Gutkowski, author of the DEBT is a Four-Letter Word, But it Need Not Be!  book series, “Impulsive purchases; things you buy that sooner or later you regret having bought, are savings busters. You forgot you bought a brand new driver sure to improve your ‘twice a year’ golf game. We all do it, at least now and then. The key is the ‘now and then.’“Otherwise, impulsive overspending creeps in and can become a habit. Your credit card balances continually shock you. Impulsive purchases have led to that surprise setback. If you prepare an accurate monthly budget and adhere to it all that is unlikely to happen.”But don’t worry that cutting down on extra spending will make your day-to-day life a drag. As Krista Neeley puts it, “You can still go out to dinner and enjoy life, maybe just remind yourself that the $10 movie popcorn or $8 dessert when at dinner would feel be tter in your bank account instead of in your belly.  Instead of giving in to that $7 Starbucks run, take the cash and put it into savings for your future goals (maybe thats a future Starbucks run).”8. Nights in and staycations will save bundles.  One way you can save a ton of money without dramatically decreasing your quality of life is to opt for a night in instead of a night out. You could even take an entire vacation at home instead of dropping thousands to travel elsewhere. Byron Ellis explains:“Vacation or Staycation? Visiting a new state or country that youve never seen before is undoubtedly exciting, but getting to know your own city better is invaluable. Theres no getting around it, vacations are expensive; airfare, transportation, accommodations,  and attractions can really put a dent in your savings account. But you can greatly reduce these costs by vacationing in your own city (or one close by). You can rediscover why you love where you live by visiting local attrac tions or just turn your own house into a retreat so you can relax and unwind.”“Enjoy Your Home Theater. The smell of popcorn, the giant screens, and of course, the over-priced tickets; all of the things we enjoy when going to the movies. But with home theater systems that now rival the neighborhood theater, you can stay home to enjoy the latest flicks. Instead of giving your hard earned money to Hollywood executives, put it in your bank account and opt for budget-friendly streaming or rentals. You can still go to the movies on occasion, just pick and choose the ones you think are worth the money.”You can start saving today. You really can. Just follow these tips, make a plan, and stay consistent. Years from now, you’ll look back on this decision as one of the best you ever made.To learn more about saving money, check out these related posts and articles from OppLoans:The DO’s and DO NOT’s of Saving For CollegeWant to Avoid No Credit Check Loans? Build an Emergency FundFr om Budget to Baller: 6 Tips to Grow Your MoneyWhat are your best tips for saving money?  We want to hear from you!  You can  email us  or you can find us on  Facebook  and  Twitter.Visit OppLoans on  YouTube  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  LinkedINContributorsByron Ellis (@byronellistweet) is the Managing Director at United Capital Financial Life Management  (@United_Capital) and the Founder/CEO of Doing Money Right.  He has been helping families with their Financial Life Management since 1989 and has built and grown one of the most successful firms in the entire country! Byron  lives in Woodland Texas where he has a weekly financial column in The Villager and Courier, two local newspapers.Richard M. Gutkowski, Ph.D, P.E. is an Emeritus Professor at Colorado State University experienced in teaching and research. Globally he directed numerous workshops and conferences. He managed budgets totaling millions of dollars.  He transferred his fiscal skills into managing family finances. Disc ipline, wise financial decision-making, and strategic borrowing became his forte. He is author of  DEBT is a Four-Letter Word, But it Need Not Be!, a book series to help parents and young people maneuver through first-time debt worries.Robert R. Johnson, Ph.D., CFA ® , CAIA ® , CLF ®,  is Principal at the Fed Policy Investment Research Group in Charlottesville, VA.  Bob is the author of multiple books and scholarly articles. He is co-author of the books Invest With the Fed, Strategic Value Investing, The Tools and Techniques of Investment Planning, and Investment Banking for Dummies. His articles have appeared in The Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Financial Analysts Journal, and Journal of Portfolio Management.Debbi King (@DebbiKing) is a personal finance expert, motivational speaker, and the author of two award-winning books, The ABC’s of Personal Finance and 26 Weeks to Wealth and Financial Freedom. She is also the host of a weekly radio show, The ABC’s of Personal Finance. Debbi has been featured in numerous media outlets empowering others to win in the area of money. In addition to her work, she is the founder and President of Lovell Ministries and is happily married with a beautiful 19-year-old daughter, 4 stepchildren and 5 wonderful granddaughters.Krista Neeley is the proud mother of three amazing girls, passionate about finances and helping others, and is blissfully married to her sweetheart. She’s been in financial services for 5 years and enjoys supporting people in achieving financial liberty. She enjoys traveling, photography, reading, and Disneyland trips during her free time.A forward-thinking entrepreneur and passionate family man, Josh Zimmelman graduated from Yeshiva University in 2003 with a degree in accounting. After learning the ropes and excelling at several large firms, Josh took the leap to launch his own firm in 2010. In just a few years,  Westwood Tax and Consulting has become a booming full-service accou nting firm that demystifies the perplexing world of taxes for individuals and small businesses.  It is his goal to make taxes not only bearable, but even a little bit fun for his clients.  Always excited to share his tax knowledge, Josh has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Newsday, USA Today, The Huffington Post, and US News World Report.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Odyssey By Homer Character Development Of Odysseus

The Journey to Humility The Odyssey written by Homer highlights the character development of Odysseus, the epic hero, in his journey of self-discovery. Odysseus is accredited with many strong traits including his nobility, smarts, and bravery. Having one tragic flaw, being his arrogance, was put to the test throughout his heroic journey. Homer stripped the protagonist of his arrogance as the story goes on, by giving him many challenges, giving dire consequences for his mistakes, and allowing him to continue to overcome obstacles. The main purpose of Odysseus’ journey was to reach his home as a humbled man. The hero’s journey can be used as a way to look at life’s morals. The reader is able to see the protagonist continue to make mistakes, because of his arrogance and continue to be punished by the gods. Once he overcame this, he is greatly awarded with the security of his home. This essay will analyze the arrogance of Odysseus along with his extraordinary traits, the molding of his iden tity, and his new found lesson of humility. Homer delays Odysseus’ return home for a very distinct reason, to teach the hero to overcome his arrogance and learn humility. Homer taught him a lesson on his journey when leaving the Island of the Cyclops because he was unable to resist the urge to gloat. â€Å"‘ But my temper was up; their words did not dissuade me, and in my rage I shouted back at him once more: â€Å"Cyclops, if anyone ever asks you how you came by your blindness, tell him your eyeShow MoreRelatedOdysseus Intellectual Development Throughout His Journey880 Words   |  4 PagesOdysseus develops throughout his journey in many ways both spiritually and physically. These developments help him adapt to his surroundings and transform him into a better person. 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He is confused and dazed and seems to change as the different characters address him. All of the elements of Book XI show that it is the most pivotal book in Odysseuss voyage homeward an d in the development of his character. In Book XI, Homer reinforces major themes that repeat through the rest of the story that show Odysseus he can get home using the ideas seen throughout the text.Read MoreWhat Is The Similarities Between The Odysseus And The Long Journey854 Words   |  4 PagesA Likeness in Narrative The Odyssey by Homer and The Long Walk by Slavomir Rawicz tell the stories of two men seeking shelter from their past. Odysseus, who tries to return home to Ithaca, faces the consequences of angering Poseidon. Slav, on the other hand, escapes from a Gulag camp and must find his way to India. The conflict and themes these authors use reflect each other, despite these stories being drastically different. 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They go on a quest to rescue their friends and the camp they attend, whereRead More The Maturation of Telemachus in Homers Odyssey Essays890 Words   |  4 PagesThe Maturation of Telemachus in Homers Odyssey       The Odyssey was a great book in which many characters were brought out and developed.   The most significant development that occured in the epic was the development of Telemachus.   Telemachus is a very complex character that Homer develops from beginning to end.   From the beginning when is a mere shadow of his father to near the end in which he is considered just as courageous.   Many factors influence Telemachus as he matures intoRead MoreThe Role Of Fate In Greek Mythology1288 Words   |  6 PagesWhen we look at Greek Mythology we often run into the gods of that era. Sometimes they are merely backdrops to the human element of the story but in stories such as The Odyssey the gods play a prominent if not vital role to the central themes of the story. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Remote Location On First Nations Communities - 1177 Words

Another negative impact of the remote location on First Nations communities is difficulties in accessing good education. Indigenous youth often leave their communities in their pursuit of academic opportunities. Even in urban centers the graduation rate of Indigenous youth is significantly lower compared to non-Indigenous youth. Curriculum may not be shaped to serve the needs of most FN s communities. Some do not have adequate school facilities. These difficulties tie up with the economic obstacles in these communities and further contribute to the lack of skills, community capacity, planning. Good education is essential to improving the well-being, quality of life and future prospects of Indigenous children, youth and communities.†¦show more content†¦The Department currently is planning to support programs that develop culturally-relevant curricula and evidence-based activities that work for Indigenous students and is committed to improving education infrastructure in First Nations communities. While elementary and secondary education are a provincial or territorial responsibility, the Department funds elementary and secondary education for Indigenous students residing on reserve. There is funding support for post-secondary education for eligible students. The role of the Department in this area is to work with willing partners to advance the work on education for Indigenous students and help improve educational outcomes. It also aims to build the capacity of First Nations to provide educational services and improve education service delivery. In British Columbia funding for First Nations schools is done through the Tripartite Education Framework Agreement signed in 2012 by the Government of Canada, the Province of British Columbia and the FNESC. It follows the model used by the Province to fund similar sized provincial schools and allows Indigenous students to transfer between First Nations and provincial schools without penalty. This agreement set a strong precedent in education partnerships in 2012. Since then there have been a number of changes to First Nations

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hiv And Aids A World Of Biological Beauty And...

The year of 1959 saw the first case of the sexually transmitted immune eating disease HIV .Human Immunodeficncy Virus or HIV was tested positive in a man from Congo. HIV is the attack by a disease of the body’s immune system essentially decaying it over time. With the simple symptoms of the common influenza HIV is a silent killer with more than 70 million infections globally and more than 35 million deaths (World Health Organisation, 2015). HIV can be transmitted in many different ways, as well as having multiple symptoms and signs. There is no current cure for HIV or AIDS but there are multiple biological options being made available. HIV destroys the immune system atrociously, allowing for the body to become weak and contract other diseases, most commonly AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) HIV and AIDS is one of the world’s mortiferous disease and has a world of biological beauty and intelligence behind it. TRANSMISSION HIV infects approximately 39 million people, majority of which life in low socioeconomic countries or third world countries such as Africa and India. HIV is transmitted 3 main ways: Sexually, through blood and rarely through pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. When engaging in sexual activity, semen and vaginal fluids can spread the infection if unprotected intercourse is performed. Sharing of needles, blood transfusion and work place accidents can also spread the HIV and infiltrate the blood system. Less commonly the mother of a child will infectShow MoreRelatedGenetic Engineering Is The Deliberate Modification Of A Child s Terrible Behavior1384 Words   |  6 Pageschild. Yeah, designer babies is sounds very appalling, but the purpose of it isn’t only for those honor roll stickers you’ve been wanting since your child has the IQ of Einstein. Designing your baby helps reduce the chance of your child getting AIDS, HIV, and etc. â€Å"One of the strongest arguments for the use of designer babies is that it prevents certain genetic diseases. PGD can screen for about a dozen of the most serious genetic diseases including: cystic fibrosis, Tay Sachs, various familial cancersRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 PagesSelf-Awareness 46 Self-Awareness Assessment 46 Emotional Intelligence Assessment 47 The Defining Issues Test 48 v Cognitive Style Indicator 52 Locus of Control Scale 52 Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale 54 Core Self-Evaluation Scale (CSES) 56 SKILL LEARNING 57 Key Dimensions of Self-Awareness 57 The Enigma of Self-Awareness 58 The Sensitive Line 58 Understanding and Appreciating Individual Differences Important Areas of Self-Awareness 61 Emotional Intelligence 62 Values 65 Ethical Decision Making and ValuesRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 PagesDo you know the time? it is illogical to answer only Yes and walk away─ unless you are trying to irritate the person who asked the question. Real life decision-making often must work in a dynamic, unpredictable environment. In the business world, new competitors appear, prices rise or fall, opportunities that were available at one time are not available at another. The uncritical decision maker is unaware of these changes and continues to make decisions as if in the old environment. AlertRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagescan small players survive changing markets? Amazon (B) – latest developments in a successful Formula One – developing the capabilities for competitive success in a hi-tech industry. Manchester United – clash of expectations in the football world. Salvation Army – strategic challenges for a global not-for-profit organisation with a mission. Bayer MS – corporate social responsibility in the international development of a German company. Eurotunnel – clash of cultures threatens to derail Anglo–French

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Mesopotamia Egypt Compare Contrast free essay sample

Egypt Comparative Essay The first civilizations to exist developed along river valleys. There were four major river valleys, each unique in their own way. Two of the more powerful ones were Mesopotamia and Egypt. Although these two had many similarities, Egypt had a more peaceful and smooth existence while Mesopotamia’s was more chaotic. Ancient Egypt suffered from fewer invasions and had little internal conflict due to its isolated location and centralized government. One reason Egypt had a relatively peaceful survival was because of its geography. The Nile River was used for trade, travel, irrigation, and fertile soil. The mountains and deserts hindered trade and travel and kept Egypt relatively isolated. Egypt had an immediate border of mountains and deserts along the Nile. Due to this, it was difficult to get into Egypt with troops which also made it difficult to invade. Surrounding Egypt was the Sahara Desert, China and India Mountains, the Red Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. We will write a custom essay sample on Mesopotamia Egypt: Compare Contrast or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These geographic features forced everyone to be concentrated in the 10 miles of fertile land along the river. Whereas in Mesopotamia, they had 100 miles of fertile soil, then mountains and deserts which made it easy to invade. In Egypt, because of its 10 miles of fertile soil, the government was forced to be centralized. Since they’re government was centralized, they were united. In order for the pharaoh to control agriculture, the government could not afford to mess up or the empire would have no food. But in Mesopotamia, since there was a lot of fertile soil, civilizations were spread out into different city-states. This led to competition and conflict between city-states. Each competed for wealth and power. So even though both civilizations had similar geographic features, the layout of these features effected the development of their governments. In addition, Egypt had a centralized government which made their civilization more peaceful than Mesopotamia’s. Egypt’s government was a monarchy and it was ruled by a single ruler, the Pharaoh. The people believed that he was not just the ruler of their civilization, but that he was a god. This gave him all the control of the Empire and his people. The centralized government caused a feeling of loyalty to the empire causing people to see themselves as citizens of Egypt and that they belonged to the pharaoh. Since Egypt was centralized, it was unified which meant there was no internal conflict. As Mesopotamia’s government was decentralized, this allowed for a fragmented civilization. This also meant they were not unified which tells us that there was a lot of internal conflict amongst city-states and invasions by foreigners. Each area was controlled by its own political and economic center. Each area was a separate political unit. This made Mesopotamia unstable compared to Egypt. Egypt was considered a more stable civilization because it was centralized and it had one army fighting for all of Egypt. Whereas Mesopotamia, had a more unstable civilization because it was decentralized and they were divided. Once you’re divided, it’s very easy to get break you down. This division caused city-states to fight one another which made it easy for foreigners to invade and conquer. This in fact was the demise of Mesopotamia. Therefore, geography and governmental organization allowed for Egypt to have a more stable existence than Mesopotamia. Ancient Egyptians considered themselves as one and did not suffer too many invasions or internal conflicts while Mesopotamia considered themselves as individual city-states constantly battled one another and faced many foreign invasions.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Murder Without Text Amanda Cross an Example of the Topic Literature Essays by

Murder Without Text Amanda Cross "Murder Without a Text" is written by Amanda Cross, the pseudonym or pen name used by a mystery novel writer named Carolyn Gold Heibrun. Carolyn Gold Heibrun was an American academic and is well known to be a feminist writer. She was born on January 13, 1926 and died in October 9, 2003 after committing suicide, thinking that her life had already been completed. Need essay sample on ""Murder Without Text" Amanda Cross" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed In the short story, Murder Without Text, a murder case was filed against a seasoned feminist scholar. Allegedly, she bludgeoned a student to death. The murder in the story occurred during a highly controversial regarding women's studies senior thesis seminar. Debatable conversation occurred in the seminar wherein a certain early Christian history specialist named Professor Beatrice Sterling, was having a hard time in persuading the students or at least make them understand that researches, especially those which are academic, and canonical texts are very crucial and relevant. The attitudes of the students during the seminar were a bit amusing, especially because it was quite similar, in some extent, to real life situations. It was a bit funny for a decent teacher, specializing in canonical texts, to lose her temper during the seminar, thinking that the students were rude and that it was comparable to rape (Cross, 1992). The method used in solving the crime in this murder case was really amusing and quite intriguing. Solving crimes was possible and was done through the use of dialectics, or personal interviews with other characters, teachers and students. It is something unique as compared to the other murder novels written because the typically adventurous antics which involve a lot of movements and physical actions are not the main tool for solving the crimes or mysteries. It adds to a certain "reality" in the short story. Similarly, interrogations in real life situations are actually a good source of information as to solve a certain mystery, especially about a murder in a public place. As Nichols and Thompson states, the method of solving crimes in the novel includes detection with a curious mixture or certain combinations of intuition and a lot of logic (1998). Carolyn Gold Heibrun, famously known as Amanda Cross, really did a great job in putting or forging a lot of literary links and creativit y in the dialogues and interviews conducted to solve the murder mystery. The short story, Murder Without Text, feminism is a topic which cannot be missed. Amanda Cross' feminism creates a certain foreground of a tension that comes into view between the critiques of one generation to the other, of young students and older teachers or professors. Especially in the aspect of patriarchal masculinism like when the students would constantly talk about real sex-workers or even the real victims of botched abortions and homeless women. The students talking more about these topics seem to cause or give readers a feeling of creepiness. Teenagers nowadays often talk about computers or computer games. Things or topics which are somewhat serious or too technical especially politics and social issues are sometimes neglected. Furthermore, there is a certain difference or clash of opinions between the two generations or between the students and the teachers, especially in the aspect of self-reflexive articulation of the differences among women. The short story provides or shows these differences in forms such as generational, disciplinary and may also include methodological. This occurs not only between the students and the teachers but among the teachers as well. The mystery and intriguing plot, as to how the murder was committed was well told by the author. It is also interesting to imagine that teachers could resort to violence in dealing with their students. When Sterling mentioned that the young, or the students, were generally rude, I somewhat felt like arguing. True, the youth today seem to be a bit radical and really enthusiastic about things, but that's simply it and really rude. Sometimes, students or the youth could be insensitive or a bit selfish, but it is a fallacy to generalize that the youth are rude. The writer, Carolyn Gold Heibrun or Amanda Cross, is able to show that in life, influences of privilege plays an important role. Through the short story, a reader may somewhat realize that world could be unfair and that there may also be dangers even at school. Recapitulating the murder case filed against the teacher, it is a bit humorous to think that teachers, in real life, do kill their students, only figuratively. In some parts of the short story, the author tends to be fond of using quotations. As such, there are some instances wherein the author, Amanda Cross, would seem to force her be dragged in almost each and every scholarly citations (Paul, 1991). The short story is good, for it presents a new kind of solving mysteries. If I would be recommending a short story, then I would recommend Amanda Cross's "Murder Without Text", especially to those who love murder stories and fans of Sherlock. Furthermore, it would be really interesting if this short story, or the collection of Amanda Cross' short stories would be put or made to film. After reading the short story, I am convinced that mystery indeed is fascinating. Works Cited Cross, Amanda. Murder without Text. A Woman's Eye. Ed. Sara Paretsky. New York: Dell Publishing Incorporated, 1992. Nichols, Victoria, and Susan Thompson. Silk Stalkings: More Women Write of Murder. Lanham, Maryland, USA: Scarecrow Press, 2000. Paul, Robert S. Whatever Happened to Sherlock Holmes? Detective Fiction, Popular Theology, and Society. Carbondale, Illinois, USA: Southern Illinois University Press, 1991.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Teenage Driving essays

Teenage Driving essays Many laws have yet to be settled on whether they should rise or lower the driving age. My opinion is that it should neither be raised nor lowered. Honestly, I myself am a 16 year old driver, and a safe one at that. So why should safe drivers be penalized? Here are a few reasons on why I believe the driving age shouldnt change at all; because if it goes up then most 16 year olds wont be able to work, also if it lowers there will be a lot of inexperienced drivers on the road, and it would make things a lot easier and fair if things wouldnt change. Initially, if the driving age were to change it wouldnt be fair to the kids that either have to wait when there brothers or sisters didnt have to. It also would make a lot more sense to keep it the same so that its easier and so that you wouldnt have to go through the hassle of public complaints and law rethinking. Furthermore, if the driving age lowers, can one imagine how many wrecks that there would be because of the inexperienced drivers? I would hope that no one would be as stupid as to lower the driving age, because there would be less people alive today. In addition, if the driving age raises most 16 year olds will be out of a job and not able to learn responsibility. Without responsibility young adults would not be able to learn to grow up and move out on their own. Finally, its believed to be that 65% of high school students would agree with my decision, and out of teens all over the world about 60% agree with me. The driving age should not change for better or worse. I say, Forget the hassle and keep things the same. 16 years old is a responsible and mature age to be driving. Believe me I know because I am a 16 year old driver. ...

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Energy Resources in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries Essay

Energy Resources in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries - Essay Example Saudi Arabia exists as the largest state among the GCC countries with the Shi’i population placed on the oil producing gulf coast of eastern province. The discovery of oil dates back to 1930s with its commercial production beginning shortly after the Second World War. Saudi Arabia became the largest producer of oil by 1993. Similarly, Kuwait became an oil producer ever since 1946 before gaining its independence from Britain in 1961. The country received independence before massive revenues from oil could be concentrated on the hands of the ruling family possessing overwhelming power. As well, cohesion and the historical organization of unique merchant families had significant contributions. Bahrain emerged as the first oil producing country among the six GCC countries with initial production occurring in 1932. The oil wealth possessed by Bahrain from the beginning gave it a head start to develop social and educational institutions. As a result, this contributed significantly t o its status as the best socially liberal over its neighbors in the GCC countries. However, Bahrain’s current oil reserves remain almost exhausted. By contrast, tourism and finance service industries play the main role in Bahrain’s present day economy (Gause 5-8). Abu Dhabi, Fujayra, Dubai, Ajman, Ra’s al-Khayma, ’Um al-Qaywayn and Sharjah constitute the seven emirates making up the federation of the UAE. Large production of oil began in the 1960s within the UAE mainly in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Shaarjah. UAE’s per capita national income remains among the highest worldwide. Most notable would be Dubai which continues to develop into a regional communications, services and business center.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Research protocol for Master's level 'Alzheimer disease ' Essay

Research protocol for Master's level 'Alzheimer disease ' - Essay Example la, T., Arai, H., Blennow, K., Andreasen, N., Hofmann-Kiefer, K., DeBernardis, J., Kerkman, D., McCulloch, C., Kohnken, R., Padberg, F., Pirttilà ¤, T., Schapiro, M.B., Rapoport, S.I., Mà ¶ller, H-J., Davies, P., Hampel, H., (2002). Differential Diagnosis Of Alzheimer Disease With Cerebrospinal Fluid Levels Of Tau Protein Phosphorylated At Threonine 231, Arch Neurol; 59: pp. 1267 – 1272. De La Monte, S.M. and Wands, J.R., (1994). Diagnostic Utility of Quantitating Neurofilament –immunoreactive Alzheimer’s Disease Lesions, The Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Vol. 42. NO. 12, pp. 1627-1634. De La Monte, S.M. and Wands, J.R., (1994). Diagnostic Utility of Quantitating Neurofilament –immunoreactive Alzheimer’s Disease Lesions, The Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Vol. 42. NO. 12, pp. 1625-1634. Kohler, J., Riepe, M.W., Jendroska, K., Pilartz, H., Adler, G., Berger, F.M., Calabrese, P., Frolich, L., Gertz, H.J., Hampel, H., Haupt, M., Mielke, R ., Paulus, H.J., and Zedlick, D., (2002). Early diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimers disease. Implementation in the doctors office, Fortschr Med Orig; 120(4): pp. 135-41. Lopez, O. L., Swihart, A. A., Becker, J. T., Reinmuth, O. M., Reynolds, C. F., III, Rezek, D. L. and Daly, F. L., III, (1990), Reliability Of NINCDS-ADRDA Clinical Criteria For The Diagnosis Of Alzheimers Disease, Neurology; 40: 1517. Tapiola, T., Lehtovirta, M., Ramberg, J., Helisalmi, S., Linnaranta, K., Riekkinen, P., and Soininen, H. (1998). CSF tau is related to apolipoprotein E genotype in early Alzheimers disease, Neurology; 50: pp. 169 -

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

PTSD; The Battle Wounds You Can’t See Essay Example for Free

PTSD; The Battle Wounds You Can’t See Essay â€Å"I engaged the enemy in numerous gun battles. I was close to someone that was killed or injured. Fear and death were all around me. The military even had me plan for my own death I was numb inside. When I returned home, did you really expect me to pick up from where I left off?† (Combat PTSD) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is one of the most overlooked stressed related diseases of all time. PTSD can affect anyone after an event or a series of events that threatens your life or others; causing intense fear, horror, and since of hopelessness. People who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can often have a short attention span, making them unable to sit for long periods of time. Victims of PTSD find it hard to stay focused on normal, everyday activities. Almost anything can trigger an anxiety attack. PTSD affects the mind, causing a victim to be on constant edge. People with PTSD often find themselves feeling as if they are re-living a traumatic event, causing them to be unable to focus on the present. PTSD is a whole body tragedy inside humans that causes enormous difficulties in everyday life. My uncle, who is a retired United States Navy Veteran, spent 25 years traveling around the world and in many war situations. He finds himself getting side tracked all the time. There are many times he finds himself in situations he doesn’t remember getting himself into. One second he is working on paying bills, then the next he is staring into space, not thinking at all. He told me that he use to think it was impossible to not think at all. Yet, it is common when you have a mental disease that controls your life. Everyone has their own priorities to worry about, their own problems they need to block out; but with PTSD the exhaustion does it for them. Victims of PTSD find the numbness that comes with being exhausted normal.  They live in chaos that only exists in their head. They try to keep themselves busy so they don’t relapse and have a mental breakdown. Society can replace damage that was caused by war efforts: buildings, houses, and shopping centers. But the soldiers, they never get over it. Memorizing daily routines may not seem like a huge deal to all of us, but victims of PTSD find it almost impossible. The ability to memorize is a gift that humans are given to help make life easier. Freighting situations stimulate the brain to activate the nervous system and the adrenal glands causing the glands to secrete stress related hormones. Everyone’s human mind is made up of all the same pieces and parts. But how and when our brain chooses to project them is how we all differ. Our brains develop this selective nature of what we memorize. Our ability to remember traumatic events can harm us. Memories that trigger an anxiety attack with PTSD victims react when a stress related hormone activates the memory gland in our brain. This causes PTSD victims to only remember traumatic events. My ROTC instructor Sargent First Class Fredrick Lawshe has many experiences with his memory. He said that he once was driving to pick up his daughter from school, and while on the way there he forgot why he was driving and ended up turning around and pulling back into his driveway. His wife walked into their living room and asked him, â€Å"Where is Maggie? I thought you were heading to pick her up?† He said to me that after she brought it up, it all hit him again. He ran back to his truck and flew to her school. After all was said in done he came to the realization that while he was driving the first time he found himself back into a war state of mind. He stated, â€Å"I use to drive around Afghanistan in tanks all alone, with the orders of, â€Å"If you see anything move, shoot it.† I guess when I was driving in the car, I thought I was back in Afghanistan driving a tank.† Every human is born with the ability to memorize (exempt rare disease, and head injuries). People without PTSD memorize things without effort. It just comes natural. People with PTSD have to work at memorizing things making it more of a chore, especially when it may not be permanent. PTSD victims are put into reality without first letting go of the past. Nightmares are likely for people who suffer from PTSD. Nightmares can wake up a person in the middle of the night, making sleep a little less than impossible. Without the needed hours of sleep one can become physically and mentally abusive to ones self. People with PTSD often worry about general problems that can put them into danger. If the thought of always having to protect them at night, they will stay up to do whatever it takes to do so. Matthew Rottman stood a six-hour post every day. Standing post is the military term for standing guard while everyone else is asleep. While on post, Rottman was on constant watch, reacting to every noise that he heard. Still today Rottman stays awake while his wife and two children sleep; to make sure that nothing will harm them during the night. The feeling of always needing to be on the look out makes it difficult to get a good nights rest. Some victims of PTSD turn to alcohol or even drugs to help them cope with their symptoms. But in fact, to much alcohol can change the quality of sleep, making it less refreshing. It is not the victims of PTSD that do not want to sleep; it’s the fact that when they do, they have no control of what the mind thinks. It makes for another sleepless night. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can cause the brain to go into relapse mode, causing a victim of PTSD to go into a rampage. Sometimes if a victim suffers to a higher degree of PTSD; attempts or murder, or violence will increase towards others has been brought about in some court cases Even though this is rare occurrence, it is possible. The human body can be very sensitive when it comes to how the brain operates. When a victim of PTSD is triggered be something around them, the brain tells the adrenal glands to release epinephrine. Epinephrine is the body’s way to show excitement and to pump adrenaline throughout the body. Meaning that if to much is produced parts of the brain can shut down making the victim go into a â€Å"crazy† state of mind; placing them back into the event that caused PTSD. The victim no longer can control what the brain does, leaving them in no control of their own body. Sometimes victims get so wrapped up into what is around them the  PTSD takes over, and the violence starts. In a blog chartroom an adult explains his experience with violence involving PTSD. â€Å"After being diagnosed with PTSD from abuse as a child. I do lash out when triggered, especially if someone touches me and I dont see them coming and super especially if anyone goes near my head. I lash out with words (very loud usually) and have swung my fists instinctively. I dont plan it, intend it or mean it it just happens. It feels like a defense, even if its a total overreaction.† We have all read these newspaper headlines: â€Å"PTSD made him a Murderer!† â€Å"Psychologist: Killer has PTSD!† â€Å"War damaged vet kills girlfriend; PTSD to blame?† â€Å"Officer uses PTSD defense for strangling, battering his wife.†(Andy O’Hara, Sergeant) It is the headlines like theses that are making society fear veterans. Society has a view towards them because of the social media. If civilians understood the mental characteristics of PTSD, that would not be so quick to judge. PTSD is not what is wrong with you; it is what happened to you. Almost every victim of PTSD will engage in some degree of depression from high dosages to very slim. Depression is when you loss interest in activities that use to give joy, significant change in weight, and feelings of guilt and uselessness. PTSD and depression go together because PTSD constantly brings back flashbacks of events that can cause depression. Some victims with PTSD go through depression stages where they feel their life is not worth living, and attempt it end it. Depression can cause anxiety attacks that end up with most people in therapy. Treatments can include antidepressants, counseling, and sometimes group therapy is recommended so others with PTSD can all express their feelings so they are able to see how others with PTSD are copping with it. PTSD and depression therapy are not one hundred percent accurate for cure, but it is a start to a long life of recovery. Judy, a wife and a mother or 5 children; was abused as a child and as her life continues she feels as if she can longer love her husband, and no longer live her life to the fullest. â€Å"†¦I couldn’t remember most of my childhood, why even the word â€Å"childhood† felt like a heavy blanket over me. The memories were so real that I often experienced physical reactions to them, such as spontaneous bleeding. I was diagnosed with PTSD, as well as depression, and things finally started to make sense†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Even though depression is a whole mental disability itself PTSD can often led to it, causing recovery almost impossible. Being put into the war scene isn’t like what you see in movies or play in video games. Maybe the guns and the technology are the same but unlike video games where you have unlimited lives, in real combat you only have one. When many veterans finally get home it is not what they expected. Some come from war with no stable income or even a family. Throwing a solider into the real world after a 4-year tour over seas is like throwing a wild bear into a dog show; he’s going to have no idea what he’s doing there. (Meadows) Most veterans who commit suicide are veterans who didn’t receive treatment for their PTSD. Suicide rates will al ways be high but studies have shown that risk is higher in people diagnosed with PTSD. After a 7 year tour in combat Sargent Erik Willie came home to his beautiful wife, and 2 loving children. The four of them were the picture perfect family; when he returned home he refused to talk to anyone about what he encounter. His wife started to notice him tossing and turning in the middle of the night. When she would question him, he would laugh it off; but onetime he did not find it as funny. When she confronted him to stop tapping his fork on the kitchen table, he then stood up grabbed her by the arms and pinned her against the wall. She screamed at him to let her go. He then dropped her to the grown, slowly backed off. As he went to help her up she pushed him away. She ran into the bathroom. Willie then noticed that his PTSD was serious, but still refused to seek medical help. As the days went on, Willie was cautious of every move he took. His wife blew off the whole incident as if nothing happened. Willie found himself in places and situations he didn’t remember putting himself into. After many more violent episodes, his eight-year-old son found him sitting on the end u p of the bed with the barrel of the gun in his mouth. Willie stood up, kissed his son on the forehead and shut the door. Around and hour later he walked in on his dad; but this time he was sitting in the bed; he was lying on the floor with a pool of blood around him. Depression affects everyone different, but unfortunately for Willie, it took his life. Military Veterans make up 7 percent of the American population, but they account for 20 percent of its  suicides. In 2012 more United States soldiers died by their own hands than in battle; suicide was the number one cause of death among US troops that year (CBSnews). People without PTSD face typical daily tasks such as driving a car, socializing with others, and sleeping. But to ones with PTSD see these simple tasks as obstacles. Because PTSD affects parts of the brain that interact with social inability a victim with PTSD finds it almost impossible to do â€Å"normal† everyday activities. Everyone has their times of frustration when they cannot do a simple task; but with PTSD victims live with the fear of the unknown. They fear the judgment of others when they are unable to do a task. They also fear the agony that could be forced upon them. PTSD victims are scared to even make one wrong move that could trigger an emotional breakdown. Bipolar disease is one of the common diseases that are associated with PTSD. One second someone with PTSD could be with there loved one, having the time of his or her life, then in a few seconds they are back in a combat zone fighting for their life. Up to 30 percent of PTSD patients will also be diagnosed with bipolar disease at some point. Bipolar mental disability is the act of having mood swings based on the environment around you. Bipolar, patients are more likely to have high suicide number attempts. Because depression, anxiety, and PTSD can make recovering from bipolar worse, therapy is recommended to every patient. Survivors of a traumatic event sometimes lack interest in social or sexual activities. They start to feel detached and worried in their relationships. They start believing that everyone is an enemy. They also may feel as if they need to protect their loved ones. This makes them come across as tense or demanding. For example, if someone was sexual abused as a child by a family member they sometimes will have issues with others touching them, or even trusting them. Amy Douglas; a 30 year old woman that claims that still after 25 years she can not forget her stepdads hands on her body. At night she wakes up screaming because of the nightmares that happen over and over again. She can’t keep a job because they thought of trusting a man with hire authority frightens her. She cannot keep a steady boyfriend because her fears of a man taking advantage of her. â€Å"I also believed that the older I got, the more I would forget about it all†¦ I never was the one to show my emotions, in high school I had a lot of friends, but I never got into boys.† Amy states that, â€Å"†¦but now I am older, the flashbacks are more intense, I can hear myself  telling him no, and that I wouldn’t tell mommy. I’ve tried to love but nobody wants to be with a girl who has monsters in her head that never sleep†. Post Traumatic Stress disorder is a state of mind that no human could live a normal life with. It is where you are afraid to ask for help because you believe it will destroy whomever you tell, so you cope by keeping it deep inside yourself; where it will only destroy you. With PTSD your head is a horrible place to be; everyone is a threat, you start to see that quiet people have the loudest minds. Where space is craved to help others breathe; where being around others is exhausting. It’s where you wake up useless, terrified, and unskilled in your own habits. It is where the old you disappears and a new shell is formed around you. PTSD is where caring for yourself is an act of survival not just a life quality. Works Cited David. Brain Affected in Ptsd. CNSforum. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2013. . O’Hara, Andy. NATIONAL CENTER for PTSD Home. NATIONAL CENTER for PTSD Home. Department of Veterans Affairs, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. . Schirald, Glenn. The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Sourcebook: A Guide to Healing, Recovery, and Growth [Paperback]. The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Sourcebook: A Guide to Healing, Recovery, and Growth: Glenn Schiraldi: 9780071614948: Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. . Print Wood, David. â€Å"Combat Veterans With PTSD, Anger Issues More Likely To Commit Crimes: New Report, â€Å"The Huffington Post., 09 Oct. 2012. Web. 28. 2013

Monday, January 20, 2020

Janie Crawford’s Quest in Their Eyes Were Watching God :: Their Eyes Were Watching God Essays

Janie Crawford’s Quest in Their Eyes Were Watching God Janie Crawford, the main character of Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God, strives to find her own voice throughout the novel and, in my opinion, she succeeds even though it takes her over thirty years to do it. Each one of her husbands has a different effect on her ability to find that voice. Janie discovers her will to find her voice when she is living with Logan. Since she did not marry him for love, tensions arise as time moves on and Logan begins to order her around. But Janie is young and her will has not yet been broken. She has enough strength to say "No" and to leave him by running away with Joe. At this point, Janie has found a part of her voice, which is her not willing to be like a slave in her husband's hands. After Janie marries Joe, I think that she discovers that he is not the person she thought he was. He tells her what to do the same way Logan did, just a little bit more delicately by saying that it is not a woman's job to do whatever he does not want her to do. Throughout her twenty years of life with Joe, Janie loses her self-consciousness because she becomes like a little kid being told what to do by an adult, Joe. She does it without even questioning herself, which is why I think that she loses the part of her voice that she has discovered by running away from Logan. At times, she has enough courage to say no to Joe, but he always has something to say back that discourages Janie from continuing her argument. But, in my opinion, Janie does not lose her will to find herself and it might have even become stronger because the reader can see that Janie is not happy with the way things are now and that she will probably want to change them in the future. When Joe dies and Janie marries Tea Cake, she feels free because even though Tea Cake asks for her opinion when he does something and cares about her. Since this is Janie's first marriage where she actually loves her husband, she feels free and discovers many new things in life that she has not noticed before. She becomes more sociable, wants to go places with Tea Cake, enjoys working with other people, and likes shooting game. Although she never shot a rifle before, she becomes a better shooter that Tea Cake, and he respects her for that,

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Unit 4222- 264 the Principles of Infection Prevention and Control

| UNIT 4222- 264 THE PRINCIPLES OF INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL | | | | | | | | | |We as health care assistants, such senior health carer , we all have different kinds of roles and | | | | |responsibilities that we have to follow.We have to always be aware of and report changes in the health |264 |1 |1 | |conditions of the individuals that we support. We also have a responsibility to assist with keeping work areas, and| | | | |equipment clean, tidy and free from infection hazards. Related article: Outline Procedures For Infection Control In Own Work Setting in a NurseryWe are also encouraged to maintain good personal hygiene for | | | | |ourselves as well as our service users. For example, helping service users bath, use the toilet and change remove and| | | | |dispose of any soiled clothing. Another responsibility we hold is preparing and maintaining environment before and | | | | |after episodes of patient care. | | | |Following â€Å"Health and Safety Legislation† our employer like other employers must: | | | | |- write and communicate a health and safety policy, including an infection control policy | | | | |- carry out risk assessments to assess infection hazards and risks and ensure that, where possible, infection risks | | | | |are eliminated | | | | |- provide equipment which is safe and properly maintained | | | | |- make sure there are safe systems of work and adequate supervision |264 |1 |2 | |- make sure safety procedures are followed | | | | |- provide a safe working environment | | | |- provide employees with adequate information, training and supervision necessary to ensure their health and safety | | | | |at work | | | | |- provide and maintain any necessary Personal Protective Clothing (PPE), equipment and safety devices free of charge | | | | |-provide adequate welfare facilities to allow employees to maintain good levels of personal hygiene (i. e. proper | | | | |toilet and washing facilities). | | | | | | | | | |Current legislation and regulatory body standards which are relevant to the prevention and infection control are: | | | | |- The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 | | | | |-The Public Health (Control of Diseases) Act 1984.Provides information on the legal requirements for the reporting | | | | |of contagious or infectious diseases | | | | |- Food Safety Act 1990. The requirements of this act apply to any area where food is prepared, stored or eaten. | | | | |Control is required to ensure that the risks of any infection, as a result of bad handling of food, are minimised. | | | | |- Food Hygiene Regulations 1995. These regulations also require that employees who handle food as part of their | | | | |normal duties should also undertake specific food hygiene training. | | | |- Reporting Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995. The employer or manager in control |264 |2 |1 | |of work premises has a responsibility under RIDDOR to report any work related accidents or disease which result in | | | | |serious injury or an employee being â€Å"off sick† due to injury for more than three working days. | | | | |- The Public Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 1998. | | | | |Describe the reporting systems and the types of disease which must be reported. | | | |- Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Requires all staff to be provided with adequate and | | | | |appropriate training and a set of working instructions demonstrating â₠¬Ëœsafe working practices' for work related | | | | |activities. | | | | |- Controls Assurance Standards – HSC 2000/02. This standard provides a framework to control and manage infection. | | | | |In our care home are required to ensure effective protection and to minimise the risk of healthcare associated | | | | |infections.Effective prevention and control must be applied consistently by everyone and all staff must demonstrate | | | | |good infection control and hygiene practice. Roles and responsibilities of members of staff in the organisations are:| | | | |personal hygiene requirements, when and how to use personal protective equipment’s, decontaminating equipment, safe | | | | |handling and disposal of clinical waste, managing blood and bodily fluids products and spills, maintaining a clean | | | | |environment, cleaning routines and requirements, how to record and report accidents and incidents. | | | | | | | | |Procedures and systems relevant to the prevention and infection control are: | | | | |-cleaning is a process that removes foreign material from an object. Cleaning is normally accomplished by the use of | | | | |water, mechanical action and detergents. It may be manual or mechanical, using ultrasonic cleaners or | | | | |washer/disinfectors that may facilitate cleaning and decontamination of some items and reduce the need for handling. | | | | |-disinfection is a process that reduces the number of pathogenic icroorganisms from objects or skin, to a level | | | | |which is not harmful to health. Disinfection can be carried out by either thermal or chemical processes. Thermal | | | | |disinfection is preferred whenever possible. It is generally more reliable than chemical processes, leaves no | | | | |residues, is more easily controlled and is non-toxic. | | | | |-decontamination of equipment and the environment is a process which removes or destroys microorganisms to render an | | | | |object safe for use.It includes cleaning, disin fection and sterilisation. |264 |2 |2 | |-sterilisation is a process that destroys all microorganisms including bacterial spores. Sterilisation is | | | | |accomplished principally by steam under pressure (autoclaving), dry heat, by ethylene oxide gas or low temperature | | | | |steam and formaldehyde. | | | | |The outbreak of an infection within a care home can have serious consequences for people who come into contact with | | | | |contaminated person and also for the entire organization.An individual who acquire an infection will require medical| | | | |treatment or antibiotic therapy, if the individual does not take medical treatment it may be risk of spread of the | | | | |infection in that entire care home. Some infections may require the patient to be isolated from others to help | | | | |prevent and control the spread of infections, for example infection chest. | | | | | | | | | |In my opinion risk is the probability that an event will occur.We can say that: a person may be at risk when there | | | | |is the chance to be injured, to cause harm, to become infected of a desease or something that can put your life in |264 |3 |1 | |danger. A hazard can cause harm or adverse effects to individuals as health effects or to organizations as property | | | | |or equipment losses. | | | | | | | | | |Me like care worker, I can be exposed to various potential infection within the workplace. These include the most | | | | |common infections like: colds, flu, diarrhoea, vomiting.We, carers assistants often come into contact with clients | | | | |blood and body fluids, which can cause greater infections risks and may include also the risk of acquiring hepatitis | | | | |or HIV, scabies ,this last one can be spread by touch. | | | | |We are also exposed to infections spread through the air, such as tuberculosis and swine flu, ,this are quite rare. | | | | |Other airborne infections such as streptococcal infections are more common and can lead to sore throats and raise d | | | | |temperature. | | | | |A a care worker, I can be a source o infection to the people I provide care for, because these people are at an | | | | |increased risk of acquiring an infection.In this cause I must to take precautions to minimize the risk of cross | | | | |infection. | | | | |Even if I only have a common cold, I must to check my care home ‘s sickness policy and to inform my manager if I am | | | | |sick . | | | | |The process of carrying out a risk assessment content 5 steps: | | | | |Step 1 Identify the hazards | | | | |Step 2 Decide who might be harmed and how | | | |Step 3 Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions | | | | |Step 4 Record findings and implement them | | | | |Step 5 Review assessment and update if necessary |264 |3 |2 | |A risk assessment is one of the most important assessments. The measures put in place to reduce the potential harm | | | | |from these risks, for example ensuring adequate PPE is available for staff to use. | | | |Under th e â€Å" Health and Safety at Work Act 1974†, all employers have a legal responsibility to protect the health and | | | | |safety of their employees and anyone else using the work place, in care homes this would include clients, friends and| | | | |family. The risk assessment is one of the most important assessment an employer can undertake to protect these people| | | | |as well as their organisation’s reputation. The assessment identifies the risks in the workplace and the measures | | | | |put in place to reduce the potential harm from these risks, ex. ensuring adequate PPE is available for staff to use. | | | |Failure to undertake a risk assessment is illegal because put at risk the health and safety of all people who is |264 |4 |1 | |inside of care home, especially the most vulnerable, the residents who are living there and about we are providing | | | | |care for. | | | | | | | | | |Personal protective equipment (PPE) is used by us, health care assistants to prot ect us and also the people who | | | | |receive care from harm, to protect our skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth from exposure to blood | | | | |or other potentially infectious body fluids or materials and to avoid contact. All PPE should be removed when |264 |4 |2 | |leaving the resident care area. | | | |The different types of PPE used in care health are: | | | | |- Uniform – is important to wear the uniform only at work place to reduce the risk of infections. The uniform should | | | | |be clean every day and should be changed if become soiled. | | | | |-Gloves – prevent gross contamination of the hands when touching body fluids; reduce the likelihood that | | | | |microorganisms present on the hands of personnel will be transmitted to an individual during invasive or other | | | | |individual care procedures.Gloves may have small, unapparent defects or may be torn during use, and hands can become| | | | |contaminated during removal of gloves ha nd hygiene is essential before donning another pair of gloves. | | | | |- Aprons – protect the uniform from becoming soiled during wound care or toileting the resident. Should be placed | | | | |over the uniform before activities involving body fluids. Blue aprons when feeding a resident, white aprons for | | | | |toileting, bath and wound care. | | | | |- Masks – should be used when microorganisms might be present in the air.Visors can be attached to provide full face| | | | |protection; | | | | |-Goggles – protect eyes; | | | | |-Hats |264 |4 |3 | |-Visors | | | | |-Face shields – protect face, mouth, nose and eyes; | | | |- Shoes – every employer require a type and colour of shoes. The shoes must be comfortable and do not have high heels| | | | |or opened toe. | | | | |Any PPE equipment used must be handled correctly to be efficient. Before to use any PPE equipment we need to wash | | | | |properly our hands. | | | | |Important key points about PPE:-done before contact with the client,-use carefully , don’t spread the | | | | |infection,-remove and discard carefully, and immediately wash your hands properly. | | | |Gloves -we must used them from â€Å"clean to dirty† |264 |4 |4 | |-limit opportunities for† touch contamination†, protect us, others and | | | | |the environment | | | | |-don’t touch our faces or adjust PPE with contaminated gloves | | | | |-don’t touch environment surfaces except as necessary during client | | | | |care | | | | |-change gloves during use if torn and heavily soiled, even during use on | | | | |the same client; | | | | |-discard in appropriate receptacle, never wash or reuse disposable | | | | |gloves. | | | | |Under Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, it is made clear that if items of PPE are required, then they must be | | | | |provided free by the employer. Under same Act, are specific regulations which specifically address PPE, this are: | | | |-Perso nal Protective Equipment at Work Regulation 2002 | | | | |-Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 |264 |5 |3 | |-Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002(COSHH) | | | | |The responsibility regarding the use of PPE is in section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and impose all| | | | |care workers to take responsible care for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their| | | | |acts or omissions at work, in our case ,our residential clients. | | | |The important responsibilities include: | | | | |-attending training provided by the employer relating to how to use PPE | | | | |-using PPE in accordance with training |264 |5 |2 | |-taking responsible care of all PPE provided by the employer | | | | |-returning PPE to the correct storage accommodation provided for it after use | | | | |- reporting to the employer any loss or obvious defect as soon as possible. | | | | |Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 197 4, employers have the responsibility to ensure, as far as possible the | | | | |health, safety and welfare at work.Employers have a duty of care under the Personal Protective Equipment at Work | | | | |Regulations 2002: | | | | |-properly assessing the need for PPE and assessing PPE before it is used to ensure it is suitable | | | | |-providing free PPE to employees | | | | |-ensuring PPE are maintained and stored properly | | | | |-providing employees with adequate information, instruction and/or training on its use. | | | | |-ensuring employees follow the training provide and that they use the PPE provided. | | | |When removing its recommended to avoid touching as much is possible to reduce the risk of transferring pathogenic | | | | |organisms. Washing should be at a temperature at least 60 degree and separately from other cloths. Gloves should be | | | | |applied on clean, dry hands and ensure there are no holes and tears and is the correct size. When remove gloves grab | | | | |the cuff one glove with the opposite hand, while still holding the removed glove pull of the second by holding the | | | | |cuff and pulling down over hand, dispose gloves and wash hands.Aprons should be applied over uniform and after use | | | | |removed carefully do not touching the front of the apron. The apron will end up securely enclosed in the gloves and | | | | |disposed. Masks should be removed by untying the bottom tie then the top tie and moving it away from face by holding | | | | |the ties, after dispose it. Visors should be removed sliding the visor up and away from face. Should be cleaned and |264 |5 |1 | |decontaminated as appropriate and then dried. Shoes should be cleaned and decontaminated as required. | | | |Masks, hats, gloves and aprons are classed as clinical wastes are regarded as high risk items. They must be disposed | | | | |carefully to reduce the risk of cross infection. When removing PPE avoid touching the contaminated surface, remove | | | | |the item s before moving to the next resident, place the items in the correct waste containers ready for collection, | | | | |decontaminate equipment such as visors and return them to their correct storage accommodation, inform manager if any | | | | |PPE is damaged or stock levels are low. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |As a care assistant I’m a model and need to set a good example because I have a vital role to play in the prevention | | | | |and control of infection and this start with my own personal hygiene, daily body hygiene, baths or showers, washing | | | | |hands when appropriate, keep clean hair and tied up if is long, wear clean cloths, uniform, clean nails and | | | | |well-trimmed free from polish, remove jewellery except small earrings and wedding ring. | | | |Hand-washing is the single most important aspect of prevention and control of infection and nevertheless the most | | | | |neglected practice. A good hand washing reduce the risk of cross infection and also can signif icantly reduce the | | | | |presence of pathogenic organisms on the hands. | | | | |As well, an effective hand washing technique aims to remove dirt, organic material and pathogenic organisms such as | | | | |those found in blood, faeces and respiratory secretions like expectoration. |264 |5 |4 | |After we washed our hands, it’s very important as well to dry them with absorbent disposable paper towels. | | | |The correct sequence for hand washing is: | | | | |I Rub palm to palm | | | | |II Rub palm over back of hand, fingers interlaced | | | | |III Palm to palm fingers interlaced | | | | |IV Fingers interlocked into palm |264 |5 |5 | |V Rotational rubbing of thumb clasped into palm | | | | |VI Rotational rubbing of clasped fingers into palm. | | | |Hand washing should be carried out: | | | | |-before putting on a clean uniform or PPE, | | | | |-before any aseptic procedure, | | | | |-after resident contact, | | | | |-after removing PPE, | | | | |-after using the toilet, | | | | |-before eating, handling food, | | | | |-after finishing work. | | | |The types of products should be used for hand washing: |264 |5 |6 | |- General hand washing soap used for routine hand wash has minimal ability to destroy microorganisms and is useful to| | | | |remove dirt, grease and loosely adhered microorganisms. | | | | |- Disinfectant hand wash is commonly used in clinical areas for clinical purposes. | | | | |-Surgical scrub solutions- used for antiseptic procedures, these solutions can lead to dry skin and irritations. | | | | |- Alcohol gel used where sinks and soap is unavailable immediately after contact with patient. | | | |Correct procedures that relate to skin care are: maintaining healthy skin, maintaining body hygiene, apply | | | | |moisturising cream, do not use a substance unless it is identified, always read the label on a product before use it,| | | | |wear the correct gloves for the task and as instructed, never wear gloves which are torn or share gloves with another| | | | |person, wash hands after removing gloves, report immediately to the manager any: skin irritation or puncture wounds, | | | | |cuts or abrasions which occur at work and obtain first aid if necessary, cover cuts and wounds with a waterproof | | | | |self-adhesive plaster when at work and change it at least daily. | | | | |264 |5 |7 | | | | | | |Sources: | | | | | | | | | |http://www. wales. nhs. uk/sites3/Documents/739/RCN%20infection%20control. doc. pdf | | | | |http://www. markedbyteachers. com/as-and-a-level/healthcare/describe-the-roles-and-responsibilities-of-staff-in-relatio| | | | |n-to-infection-prevention-and-control-in-a-health-or-social-care-workplace. tml | | | | |-â€Å"Health and Social Care Level 2 Diploma† – book | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Illegal Immigration †Facts That We All Should Know - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1717 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/02/20 Category Sociology Essay Level High school Tags: Illegal Immigration Essay Did you like this example? The country that today we call The United States of America was discovered by Columbus in the 1492. Most of the Americans take pride that they come from different ethnic background and culture. However, since 1882 when President Chester A. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Illegal Immigration – Facts That We All Should Know" essay for you Create order Arthur singed the law to band most of the Chinese immigrants also all the criminals and the mentally ill people to enter the United States but is also know as the start of the illegal immigration. (Lui, 20 April 2009) Today, there are only a few people that can experience the American dream and the rest are forced to immigrate illegally. The Illegal immigration is costing the country more problems than benefits and the reason I am saying this is because of everything that I read while during the research for this paper. In this paper I want to talk about some of the problems caused like: crimes, terrorism, jobs. The crimes that are done by illegal immigrations have different forms and shapes. From the first time that they cross the border without permission is against the law and is a misdemeanor civil offense and if this person is caught for a second time is a felony. By this we understand that from the first moment that they come to the United States they start the life with a crime. (Illegal Immigration Laws, 20 April 2009) According to some fact given by US Political Action Committee there are around 20 million illegal criminal immigrants presently in the U.S and they constitute over 25% of the federal prison population. Only in Los Angeles 95% of all warrants for homicide target illegal immigrants. Also, based on the fact given by the same source there are approximately 400,000 illegal immigrants who have committed a crime and have been given a deportation order but they are still at large in the U.S and their whereabouts are unknown. (USA, 21 April 2009) As P.F Wagner says in his report there are 12 U.S citizens lives that die in a violent death at the hands of murderous illegal immigrants each day and another 13 Americans are killed each day by uninsured drunk driving illegals. And do not forget to add to this numbers another eight American children who suffer the horror as victims of sex crimes. (Wagner, 21 April 2009) In the reports of the analysis of 1,500 violent crimes done by the researcher Deborah Schurman-Kauflin PhD and based on a figure of 12 million illegal immigrations and the fact that more of this population is male her study breaks down this way: 525,000 or 35 %, were child molestations 358,000 or 24 %, were rapes 617,000 or 41 %, were sexual homicides and serial murders In those instances, the illegal immigrants typically gained access to the victims after having worked as a day laborer at or near the victims homes, she says. Victims ranged in age from 1 year old to 13 years old, with the average age being 6. In her examination of the sex-related homicides, Schurman-Kauflin noted: The murders were the worst of the sex crimes and were especially vicious. The most common method was for an offender to break into a residence and ambush his victims. Not only were victims raped, but some (6%) were mutilated. The crime scenes were very bloody, expressing intense, angry perpetrator personalities. Specifically, most victims were blitzed, rendered incapable of fighting back, and then raped and murdered. The most common method of killing was bludgeoning, followed by stabbing. Caucasians were more likely to become victims of sexual homicide committed by illegal immigrants. Hispanics were second and African Americans were third. (Schurman-Kauflin, 22 April 2009) The lives of many law enforcement officers have been lost by the hands of illegal criminal immigrants while they were trying to protect our country and the American citizens. Ten lives were taken in October 2003 in the Washington Dc area when an illegal immigrant that failed to be deported to his country choose his victims randomly and kill them with a sniper. (Crime Victims of Illegal Aliens) DC Sniper Victims We all remember the 9/11 when many innocent people woke up that morning to start their routine day but they did not know that they were not come back home again. It is worth saying that three out of four people that hijack the planes that day to hit the towers where illegal immigrants. That day 2,751 Americans were killed. 9/11 Attack As Kenneth R Timmerman noted in a June 2006 article, Broken, on a Homeland Security publication, The report reveals that 45,008 aliens from countries on the U.S. list of state-sponsors of terror or from countries that protected terrorist organizations and their members, were released into the general public between 2001 and 2005, even though immigration officers couldnt confirm their identity. Timmberman, 19 April 2009) According to Global in their report on sleeper cells: As late as February 2004, one report claimed that Al Qaeda sleeper cells were believed to be operating in 40 states, according to the FBI and other federal authorities, awaiting orders and funding for new attacks in the United States. On July 8, 2004 a Senior Intelligence Official stated: There is intelligence that al-Qaeda has individuals dispersed worldwide, and worldwide would include the United States, that are they are using in order to facilitate the operational planning necessary to carry out attacks successfully. (Global Security, 17 April 2009) Things like this may happened again and maybe much worse if we do not make our borders stronger, have a better identification for people in and out of our country. People think that illegal immigrants are doing jobs that Americans wont but according to Gordon Hanson, professor and director of the center on Pacific Economies at UC San Diego in a community survey which said that 68% of construction labors, 73% of dishwashers and 74% of janitors are native American citizens, proving that Americans are willing to do this kind of jobs. (All Americans, 25 April 2009) (Scherer, 26 April 2009) If we take a look to the Wall Street investment firm Bear Stearns they published a report that shows that the illegal immigrant in the U.S is roughly the same with the population of New York State. IRS every year fails to collect $35 billion taxes because of the number of jobs that are off the books. ( Justich, 20 April 2009) As Frosty Wooldridge cited in Our Country Coming Undone: Illegal immigration hurts Americas poor. In a recent account in the New York Times, Black children suffered 50% greater poverty in the past 10 years due to immigration. Illegal immigrants compete for jobs normally done by Americas poor. A study by the Center for Immigrants Studies wrote that Mexican Immigration is overwhelmingly unskilled and it’s hard to find an economic argument for unskilled immigrants because it tends to reduce wages for U.S workers. (Woodldridge, 15 April 2009) † A study of 65 rural communities in Californias San Joaquin Valley between 1980 and 1990, found that the addition of 100 farm jobs resulted in an additional 139 people including immigrants, their families and area residents living in poverty. (The dark Side, 12 April 2009) This statistic is driven by the low wages paid to the farm worker, who intern is then unable to support dependents, creating the social welfare problem. A Rand study looked at the nine million net new jobs created in Ca lifornia from 1960 to 1990. It found that three-fourths of the new jobs were filled by workers with at least some college education, and almost all of the rest were filled by high school graduates. (The dark Side, 12 April 2009) Furthermore, the share filled by workers with some college education has risen over the years, the Rand study found. By the 1980s, some 96% of net new jobs were filled by such workers. According to a survey by the University of California at San Francisco and the Field Institute, Latinos are much less likely to benefit from the states explosion in job growth because they are less likely to finish high school or attend college. (The dark Side, 12 April 2009) According to the survey, 56% of the states Latinos had an education level of high school or lower, compared to 28% of African-americans, 14% of whites, and 11% of Asians. The data show that in Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx counties with a major increase of immigrants median income fell sharply. In Queens, according to the data, the median household income fell from $44,938 in 1989, to $36,480 in 1998, a drop of nearly 19%, while in Brooklyn it fell by 18%, from $33,762 to $27,556. In Los Angeles County, where there has been a surge of immigrants from Mexico, median income fell in constant dollars from $45,962 in 1989 to $37,655 in 1998, a decline of 18%. (The dark Side, 12 April 2009) The total K-12 school expenditure for illegal immigrants costs the states $7.4 billion annually—enough to buy a computer for every junior high student nationwide. (Greenhouse, 22 April 2009) Illegal alien households are estimated to use $2,700 a year more in services than they pay in taxes, creating a total fiscal burden of nearly $10.4 billion on the federal budget in 2002. Among the largest federal costs: Medicaid ($2.5 billion); treatment for the uninsured ($2.2 billion); food assistance programs ($1.9 billion); the federal prison and court systems ($1.6 billion); and federal aid to schools ($1.4 billion). If illegal aliens were legalized and began to pay taxes and use services like legal immigrants with the same education levels, the estimated annual fiscal deficit at the federal level would increase from $2,700 per household to nearly $7,700, for a total federal deficit of $29 billion. Because many of the costs are due to their U.S.-born children, who are awarded U.S. citizenship at birth, barring illegally themselves from federal programs will not significantly reduce costs. Although they create a net drain on the federal government, the average illegal household pays more than $4,200 a year in federal taxes, for a total of nearly $16 billion. However, they impose annual costs of more than $26.3 billion, or about $6,950 per illegal household. About 43 percent, or $7 billion, of the federal taxes illegals pay go to Social Security and Medicare. (Economics Costs, 28 April 2009) Illegal immigration is a problem and must be stopped so we can avoid any negative on the other countries and the U.S. It is an economic drain on the U.S and is degrading the condition of American society as a whole. . Frank Sharry, of the liberal National Immigration Forum has said, There is virtually a national consensus that illegal immigration is a problem. With this in mind, in a few years, there will be new policies implemented that will virtually wipe out illegal immigration, mainly focused on preventing illegal aliens from acquiring jobs. (Sharry, 30April 2009)